
Open Letters II


Remember once you said to me, 
And looking back, I hope that it
Was just a joke, at least I pray,
Somewhere between a beer and football game, 
“There’s nothing that I have to show 
For all my life.” And swigged away. 
I sort of hope it was the drink 
Or twilight talking, but the single cap
Of Grolsch betrayed the truth in that. 

Alone, we sat together there.
The years have passed, and even then 
I would protest to all you said 
And pointed at the sons who live 
For nothing but to make you proud,
Or all the work you’ve laboured on,
And never mind the family ties
As solid as the rivers bound to earth,
Even today I stand by what 
I didn’t say but always mean. 

I must reject your statement. Worth 
Is valued not in mass of land,
But who is crowded by your bed 
When finally your breathing ends. 
So please, if ever comes the day
Again when you would say those words,
Just think of us, your sons, and know
No greater lie was ever told of you. 

God bless. 
